What is Integrated Learning System (ILS)
Right from the beginning, AOLCC has used the Integrated Learning System – a self-directed, multisensory learning experience – as its primary method of delivery. Rather than encouraging students to passively absorb skills and knowledge, ILS puts them in the driver’s seat of their learning experience. Students read, write, listen, practice, discuss, and create their way to achieving course outcomes. In addition, trained learning coaches provide personalized, just-in-time support and help learners master course content, discover effective study habits, manage test anxiety, and hone the professional skills they’ll need to succeed in the workplace.

S.M.A.R.T learning at AOLCC
It’s hard to know where you’re going if you don’t have a destination already in mind. That’s why each AOLCC course starts by showing you a map of where you’re going and what you will achieve. You’ll truly know how far you’ve come by seeing yourself conquer one Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-sensitive(SMART) goal after another!

Utilize every corner of your brain
Tired of taking courses where all you do is passively turn the page? We are, too! That’s why our ILS courses are created to maximize interaction, engage, and inspire. Through interaction with media, workbooks, and practical exercises, ILS courses actively involve students in their learning and motivate them to go further.

Achieve the best learning result
ILS courses are filled with authentic exercises and tasks where you’ll apply what you’ve learned – just like you would in the workplace when you start your new career. Through ILS, you’ll gain the practical experience you need now rather than during your first few months on the job.
What Makes ILS Great?

Tommy Rivers
UI / Graphic Designer

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